Baby number two was born to my cousin Krystal yesterday, Joseph Daniel, a big 9 lb 12oz 20 inch long baby boy! He is a cutie with a full mohawks worth of hair already! My sister and I threw the shower for Krystal back in June and I have been so excited to share the pictures with you! Perhaps you'll recall the pom poms we were making and the wonderful country fair inspired invitation Sandy's husband designed for us?
I ADORE the invitation Rex designed. So charming!
We did a Country Fair theme complete with a chili cook off, baked-goods competition, quilt judging and a bean bag toss. Held in the lovely backyard of a family friend on a day of perfect weather we couldn't have asked for a more perfect day. Many many thanks to all the "contestants" it was a wonderful turn out to celebrate Krystal's new addition.
Setting up the shower
We set up a bean bag toss game with the tire swing and some bean bags
Sandy's yummy cake with cute little pennant decorations
Fun little mad-libs (Sandy's brilliant husband designed them!) for Krystal and the baby all the guests filled out
Pin wheels in wheat grass center pieces, wonderful paper straws from Cupcake Social
We made the water bottle "goldfish" prizes with a free downloadable from BumpSmitten
Next week I'll share photos of the oh so girly, Glam Baby shower Sandy and I threw for our glam girl Lydia! See you soon!
I had so much fun designing the showers with you! I think they turned out wonderful.