Well, baby shower planning continues. My sister Sandy and I got together to make tissue paper pom poms which I found the tutorial for over at Martha Stewart's website. The tutorial makes it look so simple, just accordion fold eight pieces of tissue paper together, tie the center off and fan them out. Simple, right?
Not simple.
Tissue paper is as delicate as, well, tissue paper. It tore, it got mangled, I personally had to throw one pom pom away due to its complete failure to do more then tear apart in my hands. The more it tore, the more impatient we became. Frustration and a serious headache took over and Sandy and I had to call the project quits for the night after making only seven pom poms.
The next morning, I felt less violent towards the pom poms and was ready for another attempt. Here is what I learned. Pulling the fanned out tissue paper out one sheet at a time is a sure fire way to end up with torn paper, BUT pulling four sheets to the center at a time and then fanning them apart makes everything much much simpler because the four sheets of tissue paper are so much stronger then one! Suddenly I was on a roll and completed the remainder of the pom poms that morning THEN, on some sort of success high, went out and bought orange tissue paper and willingly made MORE!
The results are so beautiful!
Martha Stewart is such a liar. These are not simple! They did turn out really good though! Can't wait to see it all come together.